Forget faceless editing robots. At Wiley Book Writer, you'll collaborate with a dedicated team of book editors that actually care about the success of your book. We're more than simply language experts. We're seasoned storytellers who appreciate the value of a carefully planned story. Each book editor provides an individual blend of experience and passion, assuring a great fit for your genre and writing style.
This collaborative atmosphere means that we get committed to your idea, providing insightful criticism and assistance to help your story reach its greatest potential. We believe in open communication, so you'll have direct contact with your book editor throughout the process. Consider us your book's biggest supporters, encouraging your work to grow and assisting you in achieving your publication goals.
Our journey starts with a discussion! Schedule a free consultation with our book editor or send us an inquiry to discuss your project. This is your opportunity to discuss your ideas, ask questions, and get a sense of our editing services.
When you're ready to proceed, securely upload your manuscript using our user-friendly web interface. We accept a variety of file types to ensure a smooth submission procedure.
This is where the magic happens! Your designated editor, carefully selected based on your genre and needs, will review your submission. Depending on the service you select (developmental, copy, or line editing), they will focus on improving your story structure, polishing your writing or fine-tuning your sentence structure for maximum effect.
We believe in collaborating! Following the editing process, you will receive a detailed editorial report explaining proposed modifications. Work with your editor to discuss their feedback and make changes at your own speed.
Once you've made the necessary edits and are pleased with your polished work, we'll send you the final edited document in your selected format. Glow on, typo-free and properly formatted!
Your happiness is our top concern. Before proceeding to the next stage of your publication journey, you will be given one final opportunity to check the edited manuscript and confirm that everything fits your expectations.
We offer a comprehensive set of book editing services with our highly-skilled book editors.
Our proofreading process ensures that your final work is polished and error-free before sending it to publishers or agencies. Our keen-eyed editors can carefully review your work, removing typos, grammatical problems, and formatting issues. They will also check that your grammar is correct and that your citations follow the relevant style guide.
This full service helps you fine-tune the essence of your story. We're going to go into your writing by examining structure, flow, and character development. We also provide ideas to improve story coherence, deepen character arcs and make sure your voice comes through.
This service focuses on the stylistic qualities that improve your work. Your editor will carefully check your sentence structure, wording, and rhythm. They'll help you avoid awkward language, trim up overly verbose portions, and make sure your words flow smoothly and have maximum effect. The idea is to raise your prose to a professional level while maintaining your own voice and style.
This complete service extends beyond the surface. We are going to work with you on the big picture parts of your piece of writing. This can involve reworking your storyline, improving character development or ensuring that the story connects with your intended audience
Our editors have the expertise to refine your work for the specific format, whether you're writing a stage play, teleplay, or screenplay. They ensure that your conversation is clear, natural-sounding and represents the unique voices of your characters. Pacing is also important in keeping readers engaged. Proper formatting is vital for professional presentations and our editors will make sure your script complies to industry standards.
From chapter breaks to page layout, correct formatting is essential for a professional presentation and an enjoyable reading experience. Our editors will verify that your document meets professional standards, such as uniform font styles and sizes, precise indentation, spacing, and pagination. We also format your headers, footers, and page numbers for a professional appearance.
A good query letter can open doors with publishers and agencies. Our editors can help you in creating an appealing letter that highlights your book's unique selling qualities, captures the reader's interest and effectively expresses the core of your story.
This service goes beyond proofreading to improve the overall clarity, flow, and consistency of your work. It involves fixing grammatical problems, removing redundancies, and ensuring your voice and tone remain consistent throughout. We also tighten your language, ensuring that your sentences are clear, succinct, and appealing to your intended audience.
This service examines the general structure of your work to ensure it has a strong narrative arc, logical flow, and well-paced growth. We'll assist you fine-tune your chapter structure, detect pacing difficulties and ensure your story unfolds in a way that draws readers in.
Are you stuck in editing purgatory? Break free with Wiley Book Editing services! We provide lightning-fast turnaround on developmental, copy and line editing services, enabling you to get back to writing faster. Contact us now to experience the Wiley’s professional book editing difference!
Enjoy an exciting selection of edited masterpieces that Wiley Book Writer have brought to life.
A professional editor is a bestseller author's hidden weapon. At Wiley Book Writer, we take great pride in working with writers just like you to turn your refined manuscripts into attention-grabbing novels that hook readers from the first page. We are aware that the process of turning a concept into a published book can be drawn out and difficult. However, if you have the professional editorial services on your side, you can confidently negotiate the many turns of the writing process. Our skilled editors are your collaborators in the success of your story, not just grammar checkers.
Put an end to editing machines that produce repetitive edits! Our team consists of professional editors who are not just masters of grammar but also skilled storytellers with an exceptional attention to detail. We know how powerful an engaging story can be and we're committed to working with you to strengthen the central idea of your work. We carefully analyze your novel, examining its flow, character development and story structure. Our sharp remarks are going to push your novel to the next level, whether it's making sure your story develops at a fast enough pace to keep readers on the edge of their seats or building your character arcs for maximum emotional impact. We point out places for you to tighten up the pacing, close any loose ends in the story and make sure your characters are appealing and well-developed. Our mission is to assist you in telling a story that is not only grammatically correct but also emotionally and commercially appealing.
We are committed to creating an open editing environment that gives you confidence as you go through the revision process. Your reliable mentors are committed editors who have been carefully matched to your genre and writing style. You get an understanding of our recommendations and the reasoning behind them through detailed professional editorial services and transparent communication. By working together, we can make sure that the content stands out while maintaining the focus on your own voice and vision. We acknowledge and applaud your accomplishments, from your gripping story turns to your charming characters and provide helpful feedback to help you improve your writing, polish your dialogue and make sure your story hits home for readers. The choice of how to edit the content is ultimately yours. We offer you the direction and encouragement you need to make wise decisions and turn your rough draft into a refined work of art.
Wiley’s professional book editing services are an investment in the future of your book and an opportunity to take your work from mediocre to excellent. You may get rid of typos, grammatical mistakes, and consistency issues that can turn off readers and put an end to your publishing ambitions with our professional advice. We refine your writing to make it more impactful and clearer so that agents, publishers and readers are all drawn to it. However, we provide more than just basics. We offer detailed input on your story's storyline, characters and general narrative structure. Our goal is to support you in attaining the full potential of your work and telling the world about it with Wiley’s professional editorial services.
My book was a disorganized chaos before Wiley. They helped me refine the story, flesh out my characters and find my voice through developmental editing. Publishing agencies are now knocking on my door! Thank you, Wiley Book Writer.
I was always afraid of Grammar. The copy editing assistance from Wiley was invaluable! They fixed all the errors and strange wording without sacrificing my own style. I can now confidently submit.
For months, I felt confined to the editing purgatory. The 48-hour turnaround time from Wiley was revolutionary! My work now has the charm it needs to stand out in a crowded market thanks to their line editing.
Wiley was like an advocate for me while I worked with them. They gave me candid yet positive criticism that really opened my eyes to the possibilities in my book. Without them, I couldn't be published.
At first, I believed editing to be limited to correcting errors. I learned the power of structural editing from Wiley Book Writer. After they rewrote my story's flow, readers became involved in it!
My worst enemy was query letters. I was able to write a strong pitch and get an agent thanks to Wiley's editing assistance for query letters! They are clear about what draws their attention.
Being a self-published writer, I was aware that I required expert assistance. My book now has the polished edge it needs to take with traditionally published books thanks to Wiley's editing services. Sales are over highs.
Having a committed editor by your side made all the difference. Wiley paired me with a writer who was familiar with both my genre and target readership. Their advice was quite helpful and let me modify my story to have the greatest possible impact.
I put all I had into my manuscript, yet something didn't feel quite right. Wiley identified the trouble spots with developmental editing. Readers can now relate to my narrative on a deeper level. I'm grateful.
Wiley's experts had excellent communication skills. My editor was always willing to respond to inquiries and provide clarification on recommendations. Instead of simply another client, I was treated like a respected partner.